What is the language of the php? And when for the first time?

What is the language of the php? And when for the first time?The php when she appeared for the first time was short for Personal Home Page, but now it has become short for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, and appeared for the first time in 1995 by programmer Danish named Rasmus Lerdorf, and may set up initially to replace a set of programs Scripts written Perl was the language used for the maintenance of his personal Web site. And may use the php to perform tasks such as displaying his biography on the Internet, and determine the number of visits that were made to them. Then the evolution is then rapidly and successively when joined by other developers from other countries, most notably Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans of Israel, and they added a very impressive additions to the new language made it rapidly spread widely and has received increasing support. He was helped on that it is open source and free.
And the php language is one of the most popular programming languages currently used in the construction of Web applications Web Applications. And is the language of which the web server Web Server the interpretation and implementation of your own code, and then sends the result to be displayed in the browser client. And because the Web Server is the one who interprets and executes its own code, so it is called the Server-Side Scripting Language, like that of language ASP.net, Perl and Python, Ruby and JavaServer Pages-JSP. And to excel, but they want money from where it is most widespread, and according to a survey conducted in 2008.
And the php language used to create dynamic web pages, ie pages dynamic content, and this content is changing as a result of interaction with the user, and based on the criteria determined by it. For example, job sites across the Internet provides users with the ability to record their data with it, and modified at any time and cancel if they want, as it shows the user who is looking for a particular job, the results conform with the standards set by the search. For example, the user may wish to search for companies located in Egypt and ask programmers to work with. Who shall apply the web to search in databases with this information, and returns the results to the user, which correspond with them. Site like facebook.com and change user data is displayed, and the list of his friends, and perhaps the appearance of pages displayed, as well as additives used, change the user himself, and so on ..
And the php language is one of the most popular programming languages currently used in the construction of Web applications Web Applications. And is the language of which the web server Web Server the interpretation and implementation of your own code, and then sends the result to be displayed in the browser client. And because the Web Server is the one who interprets and executes its own code, so it is called the Server-Side Scripting Language, like that of language ASP.net, Perl and Python, Ruby and JavaServer Pages-JSP. And to excel, but they want money from where it is most widespread, and according to a survey conducted in 2008.
And the php language used to create dynamic web pages, ie pages dynamic content, and this content is changing as a result of interaction with the user, and based on the criteria determined by it. For example, job sites across the Internet provides users with the ability to record their data with it, and modified at any time and cancel if they want, as it shows the user who is looking for a particular job, the results conform with the standards set by the search. For example, the user may wish to search for companies located in Egypt and ask programmers to work with. Who shall apply the web to search in databases with this information, and returns the results to the user, which correspond with them. Site like facebook.com and change user data is displayed, and the list of his friends, and perhaps the appearance of pages displayed, as well as additives used, change the user himself, and so on ..
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